Mobile Lifestyle

Telecommuting, telework and freelancing has really taken off as a result of web 2.0 and with email and internet’s skyrocketing popularity and a wealth of information on the web at our fingertips, It’s now possible for anyone to work remotely anywhere in the globe and collaborate with people across continents. I have met a lot of people working for companies from Fortune 500 bigwigs to small mom and pop businesses and everyone has just one thing to say.- They wouldn’t do it any other way. The last few years have seen a tectonic shift in the way we do business as a result of several factors like surging gas prices, business competition and the need for people to find more time for themselves. Take the case of companies, for example,- cost savings, scalability, quality and other labor and administrative issues. In the case of workers, it’s the flexibility and the rewards of being able to work at the most convenient and productive means with utmost flexibility and mobility. I know a lot of people working from home either as a freelancer or a teleworker employed by a company fulltime but is not required to do his work at home. I can’t recall how many productive days I’ve spent working in the afternoon or early evenings at a neighborhood coffee shop, at home, a friend’s house, at a seaside cafĂ© and anywhere imaginable. This is my life now- A life of a digital nomad- geographically unbounded, flexible and mobile. I hope to gather people with the same mindset with this blog. Share your experiences and maybe we'll be able to help and inspire each other in our quest for a better and fulfilling life.

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